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The House of Warriors Self-Defense & Kickboxing
Life Changing Classes In Self Defense & Weight Loss. Check out our web specials
Nothing Does the Trick Like a Great Workout

Whether your goal is fitness, self improvement, or self defense, we’re confident that you’ll find what you’re looking for at our school. Beginners can take solace in our easy to learn curriculum designed to teach self defense while embracing the inner strength within. Experienced practitioners can explore our wide range of martial arts systems.


The magic of martial arts is that it’s designed to accommodate everyone. Regardless of your size or experience, you’ll have everything you need to defend yourself in just a few sessions. Everything after that is just pure intensity, exercise and self development.

True Sense of Discipline and Leadership

Martial Arts is a vehicle for character development and self improvement. Teamwork and character are prioritized over competition and ego, which leads to transformative results. Our top priority is guidance and offering students support along with the structure and tools needed to reach new heights. With a focus on character development and inner strength, we work relentlessly to help you unleash your true power!

Kids & Teens Martial Arts

We’ve dealt with it all and believe that the secret to your child’s development is a mix of rewarding physical activity and a focus on instilling essential life lessons. Through psychology, eastern wisdom practiced for generations, and patience, we help kids reach new heights and develop a love for everything that makes them so special.

Adult Self Defense

Whether your goal is fitness, self improvement, or self defense, we’re confident that you’ll find what you’re looking for with our Adult Self Defense Program. Beginners can take solace in our easy to learn curriculum designed to teach self defense while embracing the inner strength within. Experienced practitioners can explore our wide range of martial arts systems.

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Fitness Kickboxing

Long gone are the days of wasting time and money at the gym as you now have access to something far greater! Push the clunky, boring machines aside and replace them with an intense workout that targets the entire body.


Not only will you be burning calories with an incredible exercise regimen, you’ll also mix in elements of cardio, muscle toning, conditioning, endurance training and so much more.

Why Martial Arts At The House of Warriors?
First Prize Badge

High Quality Values


Through our martial arts program we help students acquire greater self-esteem, self-control, respect and


Personal Development


You will be taught and

encouraged by our

professional trainers while

moving at your own pace.

Golden Chakra

Accessible & Enjoyable


We Offer Programs

Accessible & Enjoyable

by People of Any Age


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