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Do It again

Repetition is The key To Success

You hear that allot in a Martial Arts class. You finish a repetition of a technique or drill, only to hear your instructor say….”Do it again”. I remember after doing a form, my teacher said “do it again”, I was like “Sa Bom Nim. I already did it ten times”…To which she replied, “Good, now do it ten more"

It sounds harsh, but the key to success is repetition. The more you do it, the better you get. In the Military your “drill" Instructor’s job, is make you better by constantly drilling you with skills that are necessary. When you have these skills they all are second nature. You won’t have to think, you will react appropriately.

There was a deeper meaning to my instructor(s) pushing of me and other students. They were instilling us with good habits. Habits, that will eventually be our second nature. Once you have a habit, it is hard to break, good or bad. Not only does the instructor make you physically practice techniques, they also instill the values of discipline, respect & protocol. These eventually will be your habit. Not only will be physically healthier, but spiritually balanced as well.

So, after you practice a technique for a test, workout…..just do it again!

Choong Shim!

Dave Tenedorio

The House Of Warriors Homestead, FL 786 529-5425

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